This article explains how to use the free trial FortiToken Mobile (Mobile Token) in high availability (HA) mode.
FortiToken Mobile, FortiGate.
In every FortiGate (and FortiAuthenticator) unit, there are 2 free FortiToken Mobiles (Mobile Tokens) for each FortiGate unit under User & Device -> FortiTokens.
These come with an FTMTRIAL license, and they function in the same way as a regular FortiToken Mobile (a real license comes with an EFTM-number).
Confirm this with the following CLI commands:
show user fortitoken
config user fortitoken
edit "FTKMOB595D959595"
set license "FTMTRIAL95959595"
edit "FTKMOB45C454D45B"
set license "FTMTRIAL45454545"
FortiGate in HA:
When there are 2 FortiGates paired in HA, there are 2 free Mobile Tokens in the master unit and 2 free Mobile Tokens in the slave unit.
However, using the 2 free FortiToken Mobile (Mobile Tokens) in an HA pair is impossible, which is the expected behavior.
Trial FortiToken Mobiles are tied to a specific unit through FortiGuard. They cannot be synchronized across the units. For the same reason, they cannot be moved to another unit in the event of a hardware change. The other unit already has its own token TRIAL license assigned.