FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 331277
Description This article describes where the logs on the FortiGate Cloud are stored, depending on the version used.
Scope FortiGate Cloud.

The region where the logs are stored has changed as a result of new features added to both the free and subscriber editions of FortiGate Cloud.

  • One can store and access the logs from the FortiGate cloud when using the licensed version, provided that the FortiGate is located in the 'US' region.
  • It is kept in the 'Global' region if the free FortiGate Cloud version is used.

It does not function as intended while using the free version and having the FortiGate portion of region US on the FortiGate cloud.

To fix the issue, log out and reactivate the FortiGate Cloud using the appropriate region by following the related articles.





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