FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 262267
Description This article describes how to obtain a certificate on a FortiGate device using SCEP.
Scope FortiGate.

FortiGate supports the auto-enrollment of certificates using SCEP.

This can be done in 2 ways:

  1. Directly from the FortiGate device itself (via GUI or CLI).
  2. Using Certificate Templates on FortiManager.


This article will focus on the first option. A separate article exists for instructions on how to use FortiManager:

Technical Tip: Certificate Template with SCEP enrollment using FortiAuthenticator as external CA.


The beginning of the above article details how to enable SCEP on FortiAuthenticator, if using a FortiAuthenticator to serve SCEP requests this should be enabled otherwise requests will fail.


To create a certificate via the GUI and enroll with SCEP, go to System -> Certificates and select Generate CSR.

Fill in the necessary fields. On the enrollment method, select Online SCEP and fill in the fields correctly:




Alternatively, the CLI can be used to do this:


execute vpn certificate local generate rsa IPSECVPNTest 2048 myvpn NL NH Amsterdam Fortinet "" "" <challenge_password>


Successful enrollment can be observed with the following debug:


diagnose debug application scep -1

diagnose debug enable

scep_parse_header: server returned status code 200
scep_parse_header: MIME header: application/x-x509-ca-cert
__process_ca_cert_reply: Reply type 1
__process_ca_cert_reply: loaded cacert
__read_ca_cert_cb: loaded signing cert
__read_ca_cert_cb: loaded CA
new_scep_transaction: transaction id: 2B9E443E5E0A9BA816785A1915AA2E99
pkcs7_wrap:1120 creating inner PKCS#7
pkcs7_wrap: data payload size: 775 bytes
pkcs7_wrap: successfully encrypted payload
pkcs7_wrap: envelope size: 1280 bytes
pkcs7_wrap: creating outer PKCS#7
pkcs7_wrap: signature added successfully
pkcs7_wrap: adding signed attributes
__add_attribute_string: adding string attribute transId
__add_attribute_string: adding string attribute messageType
__add_attribute_octet: adding octet attribute senderNonce
pkcs7_wrap: PKCS#7 data written successfully
pkcs7_wrap: applying base64 encoding
pkcs7_wrap: base64 encoded payload size: 3953 bytes
scep_parse_header: server returned status code 200
scep_parse_header: MIME header: x-pki-message
pkcs7_unwrap: reading outer PKCS#7
pkcs7_unwrap: PKCS#7 payload size: 756 bytes
pkcs7_unwrap: PKCS#7 contains 0 bytes of enveloped data
pkcs7_unwrap: verifying signature
pkcs7_unwrap: signature ok
pkcs7_unwrap: finding signed attributes
__get_attribute: finding attribute transId
__get_signed_attribute: allocating 32 bytes for attribute
pkcs7_unwrap: reply transaction id: 2B9E443E5E0A9BA816785A1915AA2E99
__get_attribute: finding attribute messageType
__get_signed_attribute: allocating 1 bytes for attribute
pkcs7_unwrap: reply message type is good
__get_attribute: finding attribute senderNonce
__get_signed_attribute: allocating 16 bytes for attribute
pkcs7_unwrap: senderNonce in reply: 65DCB45E9FCB8CBB4395C99D8B17BD92
__get_attribute: finding attribute recipientNonce
__get_signed_attribute: allocating 16 bytes for attribute
pkcs7_unwrap: recipientNonce in reply: 57E9E8B7D23E2912BCADE9BCACA90F08
__get_attribute: finding attribute pkiStatus
__get_signed_attribute: allocating 1 bytes for attribute
pkcs7_unwrap: pkistatus: PENDING
pkcs7_wrap:1138 creating issuer_and_subject PKCS#7
pkcs7_wrap: data payload size: 267 bytes
pkcs7_wrap: successfully encrypted payload
pkcs7_wrap: envelope size: 776 bytes
pkcs7_wrap: creating outer PKCS#7
pkcs7_wrap: signature added successfully
pkcs7_wrap: adding signed attributes
__add_attribute_string: adding string attribute transId
__add_attribute_string: adding string attribute messageType
__add_attribute_octet: adding octet attribute senderNonce
pkcs7_wrap: PKCS#7 data written successfully
pkcs7_wrap: applying base64 encoding
pkcs7_wrap: base64 encoded payload size: 3271 bytes
scep_parse_header: server returned status code 200
scep_parse_header: MIME header: x-pki-message
pkcs7_unwrap: reading outer PKCS#7
pkcs7_unwrap: PKCS#7 payload size: 5996 bytes
pkcs7_unwrap: PKCS#7 contains 2899 bytes of enveloped data
pkcs7_unwrap: verifying signature
pkcs7_unwrap: signature ok
pkcs7_unwrap: finding signed attributes
__get_attribute: finding attribute transId
__get_signed_attribute: allocating 32 bytes for attribute
pkcs7_unwrap: reply transaction id: 2B9E443E5E0A9BA816785A1915AA2E99
__get_attribute: finding attribute messageType
__get_signed_attribute: allocating 1 bytes for attribute
pkcs7_unwrap: reply message type is good
__get_attribute: finding attribute senderNonce
__get_signed_attribute: allocating 16 bytes for attribute
pkcs7_unwrap: senderNonce in reply: 976C51687F9263B79BF8CDF964136EF6
__get_attribute: finding attribute recipientNonce
__get_signed_attribute: allocating 16 bytes for attribute
pkcs7_unwrap: recipientNonce in reply: 40460901E83309A3022FF353C7EA1183
__get_attribute: finding attribute pkiStatus
__get_signed_attribute: allocating 1 bytes for attribute
pkcs7_unwrap: pkistatus: SUCCESS
pkcs7_unwrap: reading inner PKCS#7
pkcs7_unwrap: decrypting inner PKCS#7
pkcs7_unwrap: PKCS#7 payload size: 2384 bytes
scep_write_local_cert: found certificate with
subject: /ST=NH/L=Amsterdam/O=Fortinet/OU=AS/CN=myvpn/
issuer: /C=NL/ST=NH/L=Amsterdam/O=Fortinet/OU=AS/CN=sceptest/
scep_write_local_cert: writing cert
scep_write_local_cert: certificate written as /tmp/IPSECVPNTest


Once the certificate is successfully imported, the auto-regenerate option can be configured in the CLI if it is required. It will ensure that the certificate will automatically renew before expiry:

config vpn certificate local

    edit <name>

        set auto-regenerate-days {integer}

        set auto-regenerate-days-warning {integer}




  • auto-regenerate-days: How many days before expiry does the unit request an updated local certificate. The default is 0, no auto-update.
  • auto-regenerate-days-warning: How many days before local certificate expiry the FortiGate generate a warning message. The default is 0, with no warning.


As of v7.0.4: if a certificate signing is made by an intermediate CA, the root certificate needs to be in the SCEP client certificate repository so that the intermediate CA's issuer can be checked.