FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 212936
Description This articled describes what to do when customer is unable to login SSLVPN with SAML, debug showing "invalid assertion:<URL>".
Scope Only the SAML authentication is affected, other user does not, indicated there is problem with SAML user.

In this case, with running the SAML debug:


# diagnose debug app saml -1

     diagnose debug en


When you see the following:


# "invalid assertion:<URL>"


__samld_sp_login_resp [744]: Invalid assertion with "https://<DOMAIN>.com/remote/saml/metadata".



It is mostly indicate that the SAML authentication have a time gap between the IdP and SP.


You should review the SP Login Dump and the Assertion Dump:


# _samld_sp_create_auth_req [394]:
**** SP Login Dump ****
<omitted> IssueInstant="<date & time>"


# _samld_sp_login_resp [757]:
**** Assertion Dump ****
<omitted> <Conditions NotBefore="<date & time>" NotOnOrAfter="<date & time>">


Check if there is difference between the date & time, it should not be a big gap in between. Verify the NTP on the FortiGate as well.



