FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 345917
Description This article describes a workaround for captive portal authentication when it is blocked on Chrome due to HSTS enforcement (updated versions of Chrome).
Scope FortiGate.

While using Chrome browser users are not getting the authentication page (it happens with new updated versions of Chrome). This happens when browsing specific sites before authentication (for example on Chrome.

The reason for this issue is that Google Chrome (new Version) now implementing HSTS for a couple of sites including, which prevents intermediate redirection like to a Captive portal.

With many websites now enforcing HSTS, secure captive portals fail to load when the user tries to browse to an HSTS-enforced site like Google or Facebook. The browser assumes the redirect is an MITM attack and refuses to let through to the portal. At a high level, HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security) is a policy that, when enabled, forces a browser to use an HTTPS connection over an HTTP and allows for the SSL certificate for a site to be cached on the browser for a predetermined length of time.


Once HSTS is enabled, a timeout will be sent with the HTTPS header that contains an HSTS TTL 'Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000'. The certificate received from the site will be honored until the timeout expires. Future attempts to access the site will reference the certificate and, if the certificate does not match, the browser will not allow the connection to the site to be established. 


While using the FortiGate captive portal, when users first browse e.g: the session is intercepted and redirected to the captive portal address, the redirected communication uses FortiGate's self-sign or user's imported CA cert (3rd part signed ) and Chrome does not allow the cert for HSTS enabled sites (


Users will see the following error:



This is a browser-side feature/security policy recently implemented by Chrome for selected sites which prevents HTTP redirection to a Captive Portal.


The issue can be resolved by enabling secure authentication, as shown below:


MAIN_FW (setting) # show
config user setting
    set auth-cert "Fortinet_Factory"
    set auth-ca-cert "Fortinet_CA_SSL"
    set auth-secure-http enable


After the above changes, download the 'Fortinet_CA_SSL' certificate from the FortiGate firewall and install it on all end-users PCs.

As a workaround, use a non-HSTS site while trying to authenticate for the first time (for example Or use Edge or Firefox to initial the authentication. After successful authentication users can use Chrome for internet access.