FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 338650
Description This article describes how to block all sub-directories of a site using Regular Expression (Regex).
Scope FortiGate URL Filter.

This step requires Deep packet inspection to be enabled: Technical Tip: 'certificate-inspection' and 'deep-inspection' for URL filtering


Using Wildcard will result in the domain being blocked even if '/' is not in the main URL. For example, the following URL filter will be blocked even though the accessed site does not contain '/': 


Screenshot 2024-09-03 165456.png


Screenshot 2024-09-03 165525.png


This Regular Expression (Regex) is required in this case. The following Regex is used: lowyat\.net/.+


URL Filter configurationURL Filter configuration
/.+: matches a forward slash followed by one or more characters, which matches any subdirectory or file under the domain.
\.: matches the character '.'.




Main domain is accessibleMain domain is accessible


Sub-directory is blockedSub-directory is blocked


Webfilter logsWebfilter logs
