FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 324227

This article explains a special case where FortiGate is blocking itself from reaching FortiGuard servers due to a DNS filter.

Issue 01.png
Issue 02.png


FortiGate is configured with a DNS filter and an internal DNS server.



In some cases, when the FortiGate loses internet access due to a reboot, power failure, or ISP issue, it may lose connectivity to FortiGuard, causing the web/DNS filters to stop working. For the FortiGate to reconnect to FortiGuard, it will send a DNS query to the configured DNS server to resolve the IP addresses of FortiGuard servers.

The internal DNS server will usually forward this query to a public DNS server, which may be subject to a DNS filter that blocks it due to the lack of connectivity to FortiGuard. In short, the DNS filter is causing the FortiGuard connectivity issue and vice versa.

To prevent this, a static domain filter for the wildcard domain '*' can be configured in the DNS filter profile to whitelist FortiGuard domains.


  1. Find the firewall policy allowing the internal DNS server to reach the public DNS server and the DNS filter profile applied to that policy:

Step 1 - Find the DNS filter profile.png


  1. Configure the static DNS filter entry below to whitelist the wildcard domain '*'.

Step 2 - Edit 1-2.png
Step 2 - Edit 3-6.png
Before and after:


Before and After.png


Debugs when blocked by the DNS filter as below :


[707] __ssl_info_callback: SSLv3/TLS write client hello
[707] __ssl_info_callback: SSLv3/TLS write client hello
[707] __ssl_info_callback: SSLv3/TLS read server hello
[707] __ssl_info_callback: TLSv1.3 read encrypted extensions
[361] __ssl_crl_verify_cb: Cert error 18, self signed certificate. Depth 0
__upd_peer_vfy[329]-Server certificate failed verification. Error: 18 (self signed certificate), depth: 0, subject
: /O=Fortinet/CN=Fortiguard SDNS Blocked Page.
[1060] ssl_connect: SSL_connect failes: error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate ver
ify failed.