FortiDeceptor provides Deception-based Breach Protection to deceive, expose and eliminate external and internal threats.
Article Id 286424


This article describes how to fix the license expiration issue when FortiDeceptor is in production and NOT a new deployment.









This situation can happen when there is an issue in the license file and for some reasons the license file itself is expired inside the unit, and sometimes the GUI does not allow the user to upload a new license file in such a situation.


In this case, follow the below steps:

  1. Execute the CLI command 'dcvm-license -ru' to delete the current license file.
  2. Upload the new license file.
    1. It is possible to upload the license file from GUI if facing an issue uploading it from there.
    2. In case of having an issue uploading it from the GUI, upload it from the CLI. It will be necessary to have an SCP or FTP server.
    3. Put the license file on the SCP/FTP server.

Run the below command:

vm-firmware-license -s<server ip> -t[scp|ftp] -u<user name> -p<password> -f<license filename> --> The full path of the license file.

Example: vm-firmware-license -s192.168.1.100 -tftp -ufdc -pfortinet_fdc -ffdc_lice.lic