Hello Patrick,
Confirm from AP setup that it is possible to access both A/P cluster-members per WebUI.
Configure A/P cluster without dedicated mgt-interface (set mgmt-status disable) and specify uniq IP-addresses on non-cluster interfaces (set dedicate-to-mgmt enable).
Original Message:
Sent: 02-18-2019 06:00
From: Patrick Weichmann
Subject: FortiADC: Active/Passive HA, dedicated management interface?
Dear Ferry,
I'm bit confused because of the description in the HA Guide. The Guide mentions something that I cannot clearly decipher and thought that it should be possible to have access to both appliances:
fortiadc-v5.1.x-ha-deployment-guide.pdf :
3.1 Deploy HA-AP mode 1) Enable the management-interface It is recommended that the management-interface should be enabled when the HA-AP mode is deployed. Because once you complete the HA-AP mode, only the master can handle the traffic; it means that you're not able to access
slave device directly.
It is not convenient in most cases. Management-interface, on the other hand, binds the virtual interface to the physical interface. It can always work on all the modes including "standalone." Please perform the following steps on all the HA nodes.
Now, this sounds like it should be possible
or ?------------------------------
Original Message:
Sent: 02-18-2019 04:13
From: Ferry Kemps
Subject: FortiADC: Active/Passive HA, dedicated management interface?
Hello Patrick,
See FortiADC handbook:
"In an Active-Passive cluster, only the management IP address for the primary node is active. In an active-passive cluster, you can log into a node only when it has primary node status and its IP address is active. To access the user interface of an appliance in status (the active-passive slave), you must use a console port connection. "
Manager Consulting Systems Engineer, Enhanced Technologies INTL
Original Message:
Sent: 02-15-2019 17:55
From: Patrick Weichmann
Subject: FortiADC: Active/Passive HA, dedicated management interface?
Is it possible to define a per member node dedicated management interface?
And how?
I have not been able to do that like in FortiGate.
Sr. Director Consulting Systems Engineering