Cisco to Fortigate convert here and running into a problem. I'm trying
to simulate something I can do on my Cisco devices by changing a single
line of code (these are not firewall/router combo devices, the
Fortigates are) and see if you can help me d...
Hey sorry for delay but finally got over to do some testing. Oddly
enough changing the cost of the second default gateway to lan3 didn't
cause the traffic to switch over, had to take the WAN interface down to
make it try and use the second default ro...
Oh yes sorry it is a 40F and Lumen is plugged into port 3 instead of 2,
just wanted that bit of space to visualize the LAN from MPLS hah. our
LAN is coming out of port 1
Was going to DM you this but figured it might help someone else looking
for similar! I'm not ready to change anything just yet, want to be on
site in case I break something, but here is what shows with sh firewall
policy on that unit (Lumen=MPLS) : W...
Thanks for the info, I'll give it a shot at my test site across town
soon! In the meantime can you tell me more about the "have a proper
policy for the internet traffic going to MPLS interface" you mentioned?
I think I have that under consideration b...