Hello All!We have configured a SSL-VPN in a Fortigate 60F. The firmware
version is 7.2.5.This box is behind the Company's firewall so the public
IP address is "nated" to the internal IP of the WAN interface.The tunnel
is stablished and seems to work ...
Hello @Toshi_Esumi!Any private information exposed to public is a
security risk at some level.In this case, the IP is a valid address for
an internal firewall. Even if users could use some tools to get this
information won't justify to give it for fr...
Hello @chauhans !That'a correct. The Fortclient Android App is showing
the private IP address. Obviously, it is connecting to the public IP
address.In the picture below the address 10.10.x.x is the internal IP
address of the wan interface of the Fort...
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