Hello, community.I need to get the actual number of analytics days
displayed in these places. Can I get this value via CLI or JSON API? (no
matter which form: days, hours, minutes or seconds)#Fortianalyzer
Hello, communityI am trying to update the database ISDB through REST API
FortiOS from file "ffdb_...". Which db_name should I use? The REST API
Reference does not say about it? Also, when I try to update through web
from file "ffdb_...": Fortiguard→ ...
thx Richard, this is what I have:Trying update ISDB from ffdb file: fw01
(global) # diagnose debug enable fw01 (global) # diagnose debug
application update -1 Debug messages will be on for 30 minutes. fw01
(global) # upd_manual_idsdb[189]-Updating id...
Could you watch the video?https://youtu.be/HyyLS5mLZJIIs it correct to
upload "ffdb_" file in "Firmware & General Updates"?Does it work via
web? When I trying to upload file is sends file_content data in
"appctrl" database. I think this is the error