Hi ! Did you find how to make it works ?I know the command line to
configure DDNS to update the DNS records of DHCP clients are : config
system dhcp server edit x set ddns-update enable set
ddns-update-override enable set ddns-server-ip YourDNSServer...
In the same boat too here ! I discovered that the Before Logon problem
appears at version 6.0.10 precisely.If you install 6.0.9, it's still
working. But seriously Fortinet ... are you really removing this basic
feature ? You will lose a lot of custom...
I have exactly the same problem.I cant even create a Deep Inspection
exception for *.anydesk.comThe Internet service available in the list is
only for the website If I remove the deep inspection on my computer, the
software is working.But as soon tha...