Hi, i have a Fortigate 200D Firewall with FortiOS 6.0.16 and a Huawei 4G
Webstick Modell 3372h. I can't bring the Connection to the LTE-Network
up. I searched around and found this
Hi Anthony, thanks for your reply. I had never enabled both Modem-Types
at the same time. I disabled the "modem" Device, before i enabled
"lte-modem". Best regards Marcus Fiedler
Update: I gave the lte-modem Configuration a second chance, but it
doesnt work. My Config isconfig system lte-modemset status enableset apn
"pinternet.interkom.de"set modem-port 0end But FortiOS says, that my SIM
is invalid ( I tested on another Syst...