Hello Team,I am seeing something Weird. I am not finding firmware about
Fortigate 30G. There is even no possibility to check upgrade path on
that model on the fortinet support site. Is it normal ? is there anyone
here who ever succeed to get firmware...
We will replace FAZ 400E (7.4.1) by FAZ 810G (7.4.3) What s the best way
to do it, if we want to migrate logs too, as we will have to shutdown
the old FAZ 400E. For sure i think i will have to upgrade 400E to 7.4.3
as 7.4.1 is not supported on 810G. ...
Hello everyone,is it a solution to manage ldap servers integrated to a
fortigate, but with an account in protected users group.It seems that
once the account i use to connect my fortigate and my AD servers is put
in the protected users group, the for...
Hello Everyone,i will need to manage some of my Fortigate in 5.6.9 and
5.6.11 by a Fortimanager which is not yet on service.I would like to
know what should be the best version of FMG i need to deploy for my
Fortigates. Thanks in advance for the time...
Many thanks funkylicious for your reply and the time given to this
topic?The issue is, when the system team perform an AD audit, there is
an alert on that account, as It should be in the protected users group.
That s why I was asking if there is any ...
Many Thanks for your reply ebilcari,In fact i missed specify something.
I would like to not install my FMG in versions 7.X.X, but in 6.x.x. and
i wanted to know which one is the best for fortigates in 5.2.x with
respect to bugs eventually.