Hi, I need your help, I have 2 fortinet 200b in HA and a 100Mb Internet
connection. But watching videos online often lag really bad, stopping
every time to buffer, watching a 10 minutes video is like 30 minutes of
buffering, watching the same video f...
My connection isn' t a DSL, it' s fiber optics, I actually do have 3
connection to the internet, I have 1 60Mb and 2 30Mb connection comming
in the fortigates units. I can' t find where in the fortigate I can
check the MTU/Duplex/Speed
I tried donnat suggestion, didn' t help, tried to create a separate fw
policy as dave suggest, still no help, I' m starting to think it may be
something with my inet provider, To answer Maik question, I dont use
comfort clients, should I? If I was to...
Changing from A-A to A-P had no effect, I must add, that it' s not video
from youtubes that are problematics, it' s video from instatscout.com,
which use JW Player to stream video. so far nothing did help
I' m running 4.0 MR3 in Actives-Actives mode I may try to change to
Actives-Passives to see if it help, Can I do this change live without
affecting users? I also add the URL of the website from witch we want to
stream into the exempt list of the cach...