Dear Admin ,I have already configuration SDWAN with two ISP but When I
had try authentication user on firewall with policy .Lan ----> Internet
.Incoming ( Lan ) --- -----------------Outgoing (SD-Wan)Source (
Subnet_Lan , User Ldap) ----- Destination ...
Dear Jonathan ,Thanks you for reply I have test on DoS policy but it was
not effective with DNS TXT records . I think use Splunk monitor with
active response command base on TXT records it best solution for small
company I think best solution with la...
Thanks you for reply ,I has been block DDOS via Splunk with command
active response block source ip
address-------------------------------------------Original Message:Sent:
Jun 22, 2020 11:05 PMFrom: ATAICO DIALLOSubject: DDOSthat will be great
but c...