Hello everyone! I'm having some problems to redistribute bgp routes
learned from another part of the network. The routes learned Hub to hub
works fine on the hubs, however in the spokes, the routes learned from
the other part are pointing to WAN inte...
When you can, try to create static routes to the network of your IP
addresses of the tunnels that are exchanging route, in your case ADVPN.
that will solve your problem of wrong interfaces on bgp routes.
Hi, I think you can using the "set next-hop-self-rr enable " inside
config neighbor to redistribute the routes from BGP neighbors make them
the gateway for this routes. As the routers of BGP peers are directly
connected, there is no need to static ro...
Hi Sowie In my case I redistribute BGP routes from another side of the
network, I changed the AS of Hub2 and it spokes to a diferent number,
using BGP neighbot groups to configure BGP inside hub and spokes from
the same hub. the comunication from hub...
Hi I checked some information on the lab and I figured out why it was
not working. The advertisement of the routes were correct, I'm using
"set next-hop-self-rr enable" on the hub x hub tunnels. However, the
relationship of the BGP route and the inte...