Hello all, I recently finished my NSE7 Advanced Threat Protection 3.2
Self-Paced and I completed all the lessons, questions and watched the
lab, however I haven't received the certificate yet. I understand if you
finish a Self Paced course completely...
Hi Sarah,I finally found a way, I needed to complete the Sample
Questions which are outside the main course in another topic. After
doing that, the course showed as complete and i could download the
certificate.Thanks in advanceJosé O.
Hi,Right now the courses are free in the portal training.fortinet.com,
after you register in a course you can download the official study
guide. Books are not part of the standard, everything is digital through
different knowledge sources.Actually Fo...
Hi,Fortinet works with Gilmore Global to make books of official
certification material but i think its only available for academies. In
case you want information about certain topic the best would be to check
the cookbook. knowledge base or the stude...
Hi Shazia,As far as i know, since the course has been replaced there is
no option to register for a lab of the previous version. You will have
to take the 6.4RegardsJose O.