Hi Everyone, I'm actually thinking about the best way to achieve
something with my fortigates..Need :I want to have a deny rule (or
several) that allow me to block some IPs from everywhere to everywhere
(so from/to all my zones). We are on Interface-...
Hi,Maybe related to :1012615 : IPsec VPN traffic is dropped after
upgrading to version
Hi, Yes i think so. I tried on a LAB firewall to and in version 7.4.2 it
seems that we don't loose the interface-per-view appearence.I don't know
when the 7.4 will be mature.. Hope it is not in too long..
Yes, but with the script we use 'edit 0' with no name, so no way to have
the ID (in fact there is a way but it take too much time.) and it
implies to have the ID of the 1st rule in every section (zone to zone)
that we have which is not possible to ge...