It will be fixed in FCT 7.2.5 and 7.4.0 GAHere is the workaround: 1:
Move CA Certificate to corresponding folders instead of Personal
storei.e. "Certificates (Current User)\Trusted Root Certification
Authorities" or "Intermediate Certification Author...
Yes. it will be fixed in next FCT version. Please check this issue with
Tac team, as TAC team should have updated and best workaround (to me,
such as adding a certificate filter for the VPN tunnel to filter out all
certificates in current user store ...
The workaround is to remove any CA in current user store for FCT 7.2.4
GA It's true that FCT 7.2.3 GA doesn't have the issue. As usual, expect
end user to import CA to Trusted Root CA Authorities, rather than in
current user store, but FCT should sti...
Hello DavidAno,Please do you have a way to reproduce the issue
consistently. Assumed that - FGT SSLVPN settings -> require client
certificate is OFF- FortiClient SAML VPN tunnel doesn't require
certificate (prompt certificate is OFF) - For SAML login...
This issue more than likely caused by not finishing IdP authentication
after reach FortiGate remoteauthtimeout.When this happens, please try to
connect from FortiClient FortiTray, rather than GUI. and try to finish
IdP authentication within the remot...