We are using Sonifi to install ipTV at our property. They have a head
end that we connect into our core and they utilize 2 dry vlans for iptv
and chromecast. We had some initial speed bumps but have seemingly
resolved any issues for multicast, free t...
I've taken over a few more duties and I am having trouble adding a
native VLAN to the VLAN list. It's available on my admin switches but
cannot see it on the guest switches. it's an allowed VLAN on the guest
switches and when I try to add it to the n...
it looks like blocking intra-vlan traffic is preventing the TVs from
reaching outside our network to see the ipTV server. Any thoughts on the
communication there? The server address is already whitelisted.
I got an update from Sonifi, saying that I would need to implement an
ACL on the VLAN. Apparently, by default, LG TVs want to talk with each
other. Since I'm pointing the VLAN to their DHCP server outside of our
network, would enabling Blocking intra...
I was thinking about the multicasting as well. From what I can tell,
I'll try a dscp map to prioritize traffic and I'll update the thread on
what I'm finding. Do you think not having a LACP set up is also
affecting performance here?