After the latest Viber update. Signature Application Control ID 26178/
12/19/2024 29.924 -fortiguard stopped blocking the Viber application.The
logs show that the requests are simply sent over HTTPS.We tried to
include deep-inspection.Please take not...
After updating Fortimanager to version 7.2.4, there is no
synchronization in the Policy and Objects - User and Authentication -
User Group - Firewall section. We create new users and groups on the
domain controller, but they are not listed on Fortima...
Hello.Yes, we tried connecting through ldap - port 389 and through ldaps
port - 636. The result is the same.Perhaps someone will be able to
reproduce this situation in the laboratory?
Hello. I have repeatedly written what we use to update the ftp server.
And with the update from the ftp server, the problem is the same.After
an update with an error -49, the number of signatures shows 1623 and the
version changes to the current one....
Thanks for the answer. But we update everything via ftp server. And as I
wrote above, the update passes on firmware 7.0.3, but not on firmware
7.0.6.command: execute restore other-objects ftp ffdb.pkg
The ftp server is filezilla
Hello. Also faced this problem. Did all sorts of ftp debugging. Since
the volume of ffdb signatures has increased to 37mb since August, we
cannot update. A device with firmware 7.0.3 build0237 is updated, but a
device with firmware 7.0.6 is not.