Newbie here who has gotten myself in trouble. We have 2 Fortigate' s, a
200-A (in production) and a 200A-HD (offline) both on MR6 P3. My
ultimate goal is to use the extra offline unit to get it upgraded to MR7
P5, test it and swap the units so the ot...
We have an interesting problem we recently uncovered. While I do not
think the problem is with the Fortigate 200A at this time, I was hoping
someone could give me some insight on what conditions could cause the
firewall to send its own aministrative ...
First, I am VPN ignorant so if my questions appear trivial, then they
probably are. If there was a poster child for the VPN
would be me :). Using FortiClient 1.6.142 on XP Pro SP2 against a
Fortigate 200A. Can anyone explain (in relati...
Yep.. will do that too. I was wondering if adding HTTP would circumvent
the cert issue entirely and now I know. Looks like a trip back to the
data center is in order. I actually have a working Fortigate with IPSec
and SSL VPN thanks to help from this...
Thanks Bob. That really helps and makes sense. Take a look here at this
KB article. It'
s just darn amazing what you can learn poking around in the KB. Looks
like this January 2009 KB article ma...
Thanks very much for the prompt replies. I found the problem. We had
changed one of our VIPs to accomodate a new web site but had failed to
make the same change in the email server. I guess since the Fortigate
did not recognize the email servers inte...
Thanks for prompt reply. Create an IP Pool with the virtual public IP.
On your outbound policy that handles the SMTP traffic, set the NAT to
use the IP Pool. I have never had to do this before so can you elaborate
on why I would do this. My other mai...
Thanks Eric...this was the answer I needed. So standard VPN does allow
both the VPN subnet and my separate local subnet to the Internet to both
be active at the same time. Makes sense explains why it works for us by
default. I had added the