Hi enrique20, Please provide the details of the policy configuration
that you have now. Are you matching the users with user authentication,
or source IP?
Hi, You can define the primary dns server as your internal nameserver,
define the local domain name, and use as secondary an external DNS
server: DNS settingsDNS resolution internal/external
To answer to your original question here is a quick lab: Generating
traffic from R2 to R3 with DSCP EF (46), and doing a pcap on interface
Port1 and Port2: You can tell it´s the exact same packet as is has the
same IPv4 identification 0x0023 (35), it...
Hi, Yes that could potentiantly lead to some routing issues altough the
client has a /32, namelly if there's another VM in the Internal port
that has an overlapping address. Can you try to change the Client
Address Range to something else that's not ...
Hi Jakeblues, The APIPA address as first hop is ok, it's just an IP
automatically assigned to the virtual tunnel interface. One thing I
noticed, the client is getting the IP, but on the last test
you say that: @JakeBlues wrote: There's a...