Hello, I have this question, can we keep the informatons of last hit et
last used of rules in Fortigate and Fortimanager after an upgrade to
FortiOS 6.4.11? Thank you
Hello, I have a question for the expert. I can see in my logs one log
with close in the statuts no start no accept before just one entry. It
is normal?In my head a connexion need to start then closed!!? Am I
wrong?any explination please. Thank you
Hello,My question is how can I compare the logs sent from a Gortigate FW
in a specific date and the logs received if the FortiAnalyzer in the
same date? Can I do an extract for the "Forwardin logs" in the FW and
compare it with an extract from the Fo...
Hello, I hope that someone can give some explination about my issue.
some rules in the Fortimanager have 0 Hit Count but I have a date in the
colum Last Used, how can to explain that? Can someone explain that to me
please? or it's just a bug? Thank y...
Hello,I need your help to understand some logs for a rule : For example
my rule contain : Src : IP_A, IP_B ...; Dst : IP_O, IP_Z, Service ;
ftp(21),telnet(23)and tcp 6058 in my logs on the forianalyzer I can some
others dst port value. It's possible?...
The Fortimanager it is in 6.4.10 version and the FortiGate FW it's a
1500D and the version v6.0.9. I hade the information that if I upgrade
my FW to the version 6.4.11 I will loose the hit count and the date of
the last used ...
Hello, I found an explanation for not have a log with "Start" value,
it's when a rule is created, if the field « generate logs when session
starts » is checked we can have those logs if not we can't. Anyone have
an idea or explanation about "accept" ...
Thank you @Markus_M for your reply,I have the same Idea but I want a
confirmation from experts :) , and look if they are a better way (I have
a file with over 400000 lines from the fortigate). Thank you for
confirming my idea.
Hello,I'm sorry for the delay, but maybe it's can help anyone help me to
understand this issue. After investigation from another personne in the
company, the data reported in the fortimanager is the data of the backup
of the cluster and not the maste...