Hi, I'm new to Fortigate and we are currently migrating from Cisco ASA
to Fortigate FG201 (v7.0.5). From our existing setup, we have 2
different WAN links (2 diff ISPs). ISP 1 is used as primary gateway for
internet and ISP 2 is for VPN connection (I...
Hi Toshi, hmmm. I'm thinking of forcing the traffic of those endpoint
that has the public IP NAT of ISP2 to use ISP2 as their default gateway
by creating PBR. not sure though whether that would work.
Hi Toshi, I see. Do you have an idea of a workaround on this or how to
mitigate this aside from enabling the asymroute option in FGT? Will
scenario 3 be able to solve this? Redundancy and load balancing option?
Or maybe creating a Zone for the 2 ISP ...
Hi Toshi, Thanks for the advise. About what you said on Scenario1, that
we can't take VPN on the secondary ISP interface because the default
route for the secondary wont be in the routing table. Are you referring
to SSLVPN (remote user) traffic or IP...