hello, I want juste to teste VPN between LAn and WAN like the attached
file, can I do this ? the real problem for me is : - the vpn site to
site IPSEC does not work, I followed this
tutorielhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xltPuIZT9uU Thank you in adva...
hello, I want juste to teste VPN between LAn and WAN like the attached
file, can I do this ? the real problem for me is : - the vpn site to
site IPSEC does not work, I followed this
tutorielhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xltPuIZT9uU Thank you in adva...
hello, I do this configuration below to configure the AntiSpam #config
spamfilter dnsbl #edit 1 #set name " dnsbl-table" #config entries #edit
0 #set action spam #set status enable #set server xbl-sbl.spamhaus.org
#next #end #end //And this one #conf...
Hi, In my fortigate 110C, i have 2 wan ports gives access to internet,
but i can' t do the update automaticaly of firewall The ping doesn' t
work from the firewall(fortigate 110c) to the internet, the connexion
work to the protocoles 80, 443, What sh...
helloA little more details would be helpful. But can you explain
what/where the diagnostics fails?PSK mismatch ? ( are you 100% sure PSK
are correct on peers )Acceptable Proposals ? ( 3des. aes128 192 256 or
what ? )ProxyID matches issues ? ( do they...
Hello , I followed the exmple in the url bellow
8- Go to Policy > Policy > Policy and select Create New to add a
security policy for the IPsec VPN. ...
hello, thank you for your help, the connexion and the anti spam work, I
added a static route to server fortigard with Ip range
and a low distance and i changed the dns ip adresse. thank you
hello, thank you for your help, the connexion and the anti spam work, I
added a static route to server fortigard with Ip range
and a low distance and i changed the dns ip adresse. thank you
Hello we also receive the spam, and i don' t know if the antispam is
enabled or not i think that my problem is in the fortigate (the
fortigate he does not connect to the server fortigard) Thank you for
your reply in advance