Hello, i am facing this problem for the first time and i don't know
where im doing it wrong. I have to access my own ip address both from
inside and outside the network . The problem is that from outside i am
able to connect to the ip and do my stuff...
Maybe i was not clear, sorry.I dont have any problem about accessing
internet, the problem is that i can't use services through my public ip
when i'm INSIDE the fortigate LAN. But i can if i am OUTSIDE this
network. Let's suppose my public ip is 70.7...
I tried the command from above with a second fortigate CLI, pinging the
public ip and this is the result: FortiGate # diag sniffer packet any
"host Y.Y.Y.Y and icmp" 4 0 ainterfaces=[any]filters=[host Y.Y.Y.Y and
icmp]2022-04-21 09:29:56.178087 wan1 ...
Here are the results: FortiGate # diag sniffer packet any 'host
and icmp' 4 0 ainterfaces=[any]filters=[host and icmp]2022-04-21
09:27:04.258525 wan1 out -> icmp: echo
request2022-04-21 09:27:04.288113 wan1 in 8....