Hi, We have a TAC case raised, but wanted to share/ask in the community.
I have had a strange issue with one 1800F cluster running 7.0.12 being
onboarded onto FortiManger running 7.4.0. The onboarding process
completes. It discovers all VDOMS, and im...
Hi, Yes - granted. But the compatibility issues do not reference the
issues we are having. Unless there are more undocumented compatibility
issues? Looked at the install preview - all appears to be fine. The
policy actually never installs on the FGT'...
Applications respond to that IP class? huh? If anything, just move your
client network to then - same class, just different network.
I am not too sure on the applications not responding to IP classes
though - that seems odd.
Pretty much identical, but different CPU in them both - the newer ASIC
being in the F series. In theory, better throughput speeds but probably
not too noticeable unless stress testing.
Okay - main things here: Your client LAN subnet is the same as the
subnet provided over the MPLS. This isnt going to work. If the network
over the MPLS is completely separate to your LAN, you need to ideally
change your LAN subnet. Then, you can conn...