Hi there! We have version 6.4.5 installed on our FWG100F. I have
configured a dynamic routing through BGP and using a performance SLA to
our DataCenter by 2 ways, (optical fibre and IPsec tunnel).When the
Fibre (main) goes down, the secondary route "...
Hello! Thanks for your reply.Yes I'm using SD-wan with the interface of
the Main circuit participating performance SLA. When it goes down, the
standby circuit rise up correctly, but when it bring up, the routes go
to the main circuit, but the session...
Hello,No, maybe I didn't make myself clear.I'm on version 6.4.7, so
there is no problem.I have set up a performance SLA to our DataCenter
via 2 ways, (IPsec tunnel & fibre optic). When the Fibre (main) goes
down, the tunnel is up, but when it recover...
Hi there!I understand that this only works for Firewall rules where you
have NAT configured, right? In my case I don't have them because I use
SLA Performance with Loopback interface in both sites and I don't need
to create firewall rules and it does...