Hi, I have the following customer requirement: Access with a browser and
client certifacte to the fortigate SSL-VPN-Portal. Authorization is with
the certificate but the group assignment should be done by asking the
LDAP. With the CN of the certifica...
I created a new dataset to show the country for each logged in vpn-user.
As the country is not stored in the vpn log I had to use the traffic log
additionally. the problem is that I cannot use the $filter macro because
I am getting an error: ERROR: c...
I am testing with the FortiManager and need to edit some sql-queries. I
did not found out how I can get into the cli from the FortiAnalyzer
feature. There's no description in the FortiManager CLI Referenz. I know
I can edit via GUI, but I want to edi...
hzhao_FTNT wrote:Hi, there are some sql errors in your query. you have
to join 2 tables on a.column1=b.column2 instead of directly selecting
data. besides, you can not join between $log-*.Please try below
dataset:drop table if exists t1; drop table i...