Hi All, looking for some help, I have a network setup and I have VLAN' d
the environment using the fortigate 110c as the router, when I run a
multicast I get flooding happening across the entire network, any
suggestions where to start looking? cheers
this is the outpu of sh firewall multicast-policy config firewall
multicast-policy edit 1 set dstintf " switch" set srcintf " L_Block"
next edit 2 set dstintf " L_Block" set srcintf " switch" next edit 3 set
dstintf " switch" set srcintf " A_Block" n...
the core switch is a HP 8212 it does have IGMP enabled... I am using
PIM-Dense mode I am using v4.0,build0639,120906 (MR3 Patch 10) I enabled
multicasting using the web interface, I created the policies the same