Hi, I saw the massive this log in FG ↓, do have anybody to know this
log does represent? date=2014-09-22 time=09:04:19 logid=0000000013
type=traffic subtype=forward level=notice vd=VDOM-1 srcip=XXXX
srcport=28759 srcintf=" Vlan-1169" dstip=XXXX dst...
Hi, you can use this command ' security-obsolete-option enable ' in vap
profile after you can see the all security type. see below example.
(root)# config wireless-controller vap(vap)# edit 1(1) # set
security-obsolete-option enable <---------no shor...
Oh, but why are policy 0 deny ? What could cause this log generated?
Addition to deny log I have seen allow log.↓ and what is mean "
transip=noop" date=2014-09-22 time=09:04:24 logid=0000000013
type=traffic subtype=forward level=notice vd=VDOM-1 sr...