I am having trouble when try to reach a server which is used as a NAT
with virtual IP address from the VLAN20. Please could you give me some
idea what's holding vlan20 to reach that server? Debug flow : id=20085
trace_id=885 func=print_pkt_detail lin...
Hi there. I have a question Let's say I have a root vdom and vdom2 as a
secondary vdom.Root vdom has own vlans under fortilink and connected to
the fortiswich with fortilink.Vdom2 also has a vlan which is part of
root vdom's fortilink and fortiswich'...
Vlans are already part of fortilink interface. I just wonder if it is
possible to link these two Vdom Vlans as a native and allowed together
on the managed switch port 1 like drawing below example.
Did you find the solution.?I also need that but the problem is with that
config every time on wake up or changing port will make you wait all day
along and sometimes its not connecting sometimes it hanging on allowed
vlan and not finding right vlan u...