Good morning. I'm having trouble getting a tunnel between a Fortigate
100D and Strongswan running on TomatoUSB. I've tried so many different
combinations and have probably complicated this more than it should be..
Would you please help point me in th...
I was going to test the 'ipsec verify' before and after to report back,
but it is not a known command on this flavor.root@tomato:/opt# ipsec
--helpUsage: ipsec command argument ...where command is one of:
start|restart arguments... update|reload|stop...
I finally got this going. To document for others (or future me) here is
what I had to do to get ipsec going. The following line needs to be
commented out. /opt/etc/strongswan.conf# load_modular = yes It's in the
default file upon install. And after c...
Yes I am running as root, and always ask that question because I've lost
time on that before too! I'm running Entware to allow strongswan.. I'm
not sure if openswan is supported but I'll look into it. I wiped the USB
drive hosting entware, and reinst...
Thanks emnoc, I'll update my config to your recommendations and continue
testing.. However I may have just found my initial problem, it doesnt
look like ipsec is starting on strongswan. root@unknown:/opt/ # ipsec
reload Reloading strongSwan IPsec fai...
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