I'm trying to get a report of users visiting one particular website.
When using the "Web Usage Report" I add the following filter:URL - Equal
To - "www.website.com" but it seems to show me all sites and not just
the one site I'm looking for. How to I...
I' m seeing a fair amount of " Policy 0" with " No Session Matched" in
our logs. Some of them are legit blocks, but a lot of them should match
a policy and be allowed. What would cause this sort of deny?
Just put an index.html redirect in the inetpub/wwwroot/ or your CAS
server to redirect like this:
We are using Exchange 2007 so /exchange in the above
code might be /owa or /exchweb for your version. This takes care of the
forward for you. oliv...
I'm making a bit of progress. It looks like "Hostname" is what I need,
not "URL". This gives me the results I'm looking for but only a list of
20 users. Now I'm trying to create a custom report but get a list of all
users that have visited the websit...
Just to give an update on this: - 4.0 MR3 patch 13 - seems to only be
happening with HTTP and HTTPS traffic - I' ve sent my config and some
debugs to support and they are looking into the issue. I' ve had them
WebEX in and have a look. We' re doing a...