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Hi, Today I tried to spin up some Fortigate, Fortimanager, Fortianalyzer trial VM.I was utterly surprised looking at the licensing policy. You cannot even run the VMs without generating a so called license from What kind of lice...
Hi, Anyone using fortios 6.4 or above have manage to get fortiview all sessions from gui? I just don't understand why developers are so intelligent that they remove useful feature. We are not interested in fortiview top n sessions, we are interested ...
I have a very simple setup. One foetigate with 2 interface lan - and wan with ip for example - For reaching internet from lan I have created the firewall policy with source nat. It works. I want to test it from foetigate's ...
Hi, I came from Cisco world. In Cisco when we enable dhcp relay/ip helper, it not only forward DHCP broadcast, also total 8 UDP services. In my case I need to forward port 138 and 139 (...