Hi Everyone, I have a problem that someone may be able to help me with /
point me in the right direction. I come from a Sonicwall background so
this may just be terminology that is throwing me :) I've searched the
forum and tried a few things but can...
Sorry for the delay everyone. The solution was an upgrade of the
firmware. I upgraded to 5.2.5, after the registration of the device was
transferred over. Thanks for your help!
ede_pfau wrote:No, UTM cannot interfere as you've got none enabled in
the policy.As a quick test, change the VIP to non-port forwarding, open
up the service in the policy to ANY (or is it ALL?? ancient fw version),
and test with ping. Tighten the scr...
This was working on my sonicwall, so the ISP is definitely not getting
in the way (thankfully) :) Tried some other ports too, like TCP 1352 to
make sure, same result. Thanks for replying :)
Hi, and thanks for the welcome :) The FortiOS version is:
v4.0,build5907,120604 (MR2) Bought off ebay, just waiting for the
transfer to come through so that I can register it and get the latest
firmware. I did a factory reset of course. Attached is t...