Hi All, Does anybody know what does srcserver / dstserver means on
logs???? I see that it can be 0 or 1. Mostly I get 0. Documentation is
not very clear "Source Server (srcserver) Server of the source.
srcserver=0" What does it mean that the server o...
Even on logid=13, which is supposed to mean "traffic end", I get logs
with same sessionID, and most of them are exactly the same, apart from
the date&time. How can a single session end multiple times??? I got to
say theses "repeated" logs of the same...
I am running 6.2.1. on a FGT100E. I do have logs for category=0, I dont
have policyname field on those logs, but I do get this field when I run
"execute log filter field" This looks very weird to me! My guess is that
policyname is not related to fire...
On FortiOS - Log Reference Version 6.2.0,
There is a field named:policyname but i am not getting this field on ...