Geofbuck, try to check if the interfaces you want to move into the
software switch have any references. Sometimes I forget to disable DHCP
on them or remove a policy and I can't figure out why it won't let me
move it over. If you have anything tying ...
Yes, you can. It is best if they are on the same firmware platform (e.g.
both on 5.0.X, or both on 5.2.X). If you want them both on the same
SSID, create one that is a "tunnel" mode, and assign that SSID to
broadcast on the built in WIFI radio, and o...
My settings are almost the exact same as Stephen's post above.
5.0.10-12, and build 86 on the AP. I've gone farther and done custom AP
profiles for each and every AP on the network to control what channel
and power it will broadcast on (based on a RF...
I have been working with FortiAP's and Fortigates for the past 2.5
years. It has been trying to say the least. I have over 100 of the 222B
line (outdoor models), paired with 100D, 140D, 80CM, and 90D's. Before
5.0 build 86, completely broken. Daily/n...