Greetings Folks,We have an active-passive cluster of 240D's, current OS
is 5.2.8 build 727. Without going into too much detail, we are trying to
use the Fortigate to disable NetBIOS over tcp/ip on Windows machines as
we have recently seen a large amo...
Hi Folks, We have a pair of FG 240D' s sitting behind our ASA. These
were config' d by a vendor so they are a black box to us, looking for
what should be to the forum some simple answers. The vendor setup an
outside VDOM with DoS policies. For most a...
Hmmmm....I was under the impression that DNS was an acceptable
substitute for WINS, with the intro of NETBios over TCP/IP. We do not
have WINS servers.
I tried both option 46 and 47, same result. A snippet from the debug
while connecting is below: 2016-10-18 16:28:31 [debug]calling
handler[Valetude Guest] 2016-10-18 16:28:31 [debug]locate_network
prhtype(1) pihtype(1) 2016-10-18 16:28:31 [debug]find...
That's interesting, they did not flag 252 as being a problem. I was
under the impression that any random number 1 - 255 was OK. I will make
the modification and see if it helps.I've run the command manually and
it does disable netbios over tcp/ip, I ...