Hi There, I'm pretty new to the Fortimanager and I came across an issue
while I push a policy to the firewall.Generally I will check the Policy
Package Difference before pushing the rule.While I was checking I come
across some changes apart from what...
Hi There, I'm pretty new to Fortigate and trying to test the connection
from the firewall towards my DNS server.I've already configured the DNS
server and currently I trying to test the resolution of the domain name
via CLI.From CLI I couldn't issue ...
Hi There, I'm pretty new to Fortigate Firewall. I have a requirement to
integrate the firewall for LDAP authentication.Initially I have tried to
add the LDAP server and perform the test connectivity and it failed.
Later when I checked the firewall I ...
Thanks for the reply.Just to confirm incase if I'm adding adding a route
to reach the LDAP server via the management interface, still the
firewall policy is required to reach the AD server? Thanks