Good day all, I have a Fortiwifi 60D, everything is running great
however we recently upgraded our incoming internet to 300DN/20UP. When
connected directly to the internet gateway I get the expected 300MB down
and 20MB up using a speed test. When con...
So to confirm you placed a basic dumb 1GB switch in line between the
Arriss internet modem and the Fortigate Wan port and your download speed
on the LAN side of the Forigate went from 110MB to 800MB+? Thanks,Bob wrote:Device : fortigate 60dISP: SpectrumLine
speed :300 down, 24 up. When behind the firewall we are getting between
54-70 down and 24 up. From the modem we are getting 300/24. I have
worked with tech support but was not able ...