We currently have a problem with BGP on a 1240B running v5.0,build0322
(GA Patch 13) We are seeing an extra local route in BGP that is breaking
the default we receive from our ISP. For now we have added a static as a
work around but will need this to...
Hi, What is the best way to generate a log / report and email it showing
all the config changes to devices on the manager? Our change management
are looking for a log of who is making changes and what changes are
being made. We are on a Fortimanager ...
Hi,Before we moved to the Fortimanager we had the feature enabled per
vdom to email change management if a change was made to the
configuration. Since moving to the Fortimanager i cant see how to enable
this option globally so all changes are emailed...
Hi, Is it possible to use a Fortiwifi 40C to bridge a wifi SSID with an
internal interface so they can use the same subnet? The document here
suggests this is possible with an interface set to type switch but the
40C doesn't seem to allow this comman...
I can see the event log on the manager showing the info i need. I just
cant seem to work out how to get the event logs to trigger in event
management for the manager itself?
I tried that but couldnt get it to work. Might have been me missing
something. I used the commands above for creating a software switch and
that worked for me. Thanks for the suggestion though.