Hi, we want to use our Fortigate to give access vai SSL VPn / Web Mode
to our Citrix Storefront (web receiver) . We've configured a portal and
have web access to the storefront (html5). The receiver stats also. We
can see the Desktops / Applications....
Dear Fortigate Users, We have to give an internal Application (website)
to externals users. For that, we use fortigate 100D, with SSL VPN and
WebMode. Because of some security issues we had to update our fortigate
to version v5.2.11,build754 (GA). Af...
Yes, the traffic stops with and without inspection profile. Let me try
to explain. I have one rule for SSL-VPN Traffic, with multiple
destination (webpages). It's the same configuration, only the
destination changes. The only differences are the URL,...
I created a Insepction Profile and added the internal page as "Exempt
from SSL Inspection". After that, I included this Profile into the
IPv4-Policy, which allows the the Webbased SSL VPN users to access the
page.We also tried give access to some oth...