Looking into adding an HA unit and configuring an active/standby
configuration. Is the MAC address cloned/spoofed/shared via a virtual
MAC on the WAN interfaces? i.e. if the Hitron cable modem's inside
ethernet interface is on a switch with the HA pa...
Hi all, Went through the manual a few times and each reference to Policy
Routing pointed to v5.4, which was apparently under Routing > Policy
Routing, which doesn't exist. Not sure where I should be looking here.
toshiesumi wrote:I forgot to mention. It's in router mode since we
ordered a static IP and they couldn't deliver it with bride mode.
Really? That's pretty weird; I'm guessing they do DHCP reservations
then. I'd be shopping around for another ISP beca...
toshiesumi wrote:You must be missing "Advanced Routing" enabled at
System->Feature Visibility.Then the menu would show up directly under
Network. Not under Network->Static Routes. That was it, thanks.