I have 2 Fortinet 30e firewalls connecting 2 sites via IPSec VPN. It's
always worked great. One subnet is and the other is As I said - no problems for months, now suddenly, from
the subnet I can ping some...
I'm used to configuring IPSec tunnels manually, and specifying
encapsulation, hash, etc. I have Fortigate 30e firewalls, and whenever
you select "Create new" under "IPSec tunnels" it takes you to the
Wizard. This is fine, but if I want to use an undo...
I successfully have 2 remote sites with Fortigate 30E firewalls
connected with each other using an IPSec tunnel. When I first set it up
one of the sites had static IPs and the other used DHCP. So I had the
site that used DHCP establish the tunnel, si...
I just got a Foritgate 30E to replace a ZYwall USG 50.I would guess that
this must have been asked 100 times, but it seems so simple and I'm
stuck.I am trying to external traffic to a DNS server. I tried based on
the docs (no response from outside), ...
Solved. It wasn't even as complex as dynamic routing. There had been a
power outage and 2 machines weren't responding. One I had determined
didn't come back up properly (still looking into the issue). The one
that was responding locally is running De...
Ok, not time this morning for packet capture, but: 1) To start with for
context, all machines are Linux2) There is only a single WAN at each
endpoint3) Pinging the other end using the CLI on the Fortinets provides
the same results as from the machine...
The "convert to a custom tunnel" is exactly what I needed, thanks. I've
configured all sorts of IPSec firewalls manually with clients, so I
needed control (and views) of both sides. I was attempting to guess the
phase 1 SA settings.
Thing is, I actually used to work for one of the dynamic DNS companies,
so I spaced out assumed that was some sort of compatible client to
update DNS. But I should have known since it was under VPN and not WAN