Greetings! We use FSSO for authentication and identity-based policies.
We have a catch-all policy in place which provides minimal access to the
Web for users/machines not authenticated via FSSO. I'd like our
catch-all policy to instead prompt for web...
I don't believe there is any way to do this from the web GUI. You can
add new custom categories via the CLI: #config webfilter
ftgd-local-cat(ftgd-local-cat) # edit MyCustomCategorynew entry
'MyCustomCategory' added(MyCustomCategory)#
I'm having trouble with the query. Bear with me as I am not a sql guy.
Running a test on this query in the dataset, I am getting the following
error: ERROR: column "ebtime" does not existLINE 1: ...user"),
ipstr("srcip")) as user_src, sum(coalesce(eb...
You can apply multiple policies, least restrictive at the top. The first
policy that matches the user's identity in the list (from top down) is
the one applied to the user. You might create a Gmail User group, and
place the Boss in that group. Then c...