Hi, I'm running a FG61E on fortios 6.4.4 with all LAN ports in the
hardware switch and being used. I bought a couple fortiswitches to
replace the old switches in my network. I can see the fortilink page
which states that I don't have physical ports a...
Hello, Running fortios 6.4.4 on a FG61E. When connecting through SSL VPN
and the portal by RDP to a Windows host everything works at first.
However when I start for instance a youtube video on the host (or a
video starts by itself on a website), it f...
Hello, We are using a Fortigate 61e and configured a fine working SSL
VPN Portal on that, from the WAN interface to internal LAN. Everything
seems to be working fine (with FW 6.05), the only thing that's not
working is logging in to the Fortigate its...
Hi, After upgrading from 6.0.4 to 6.2 I have problems with WAN
connectivity falling out. I'm getting this message in de Fortios GUI:
Conserve mode activated due to high memory usage I have tried to
downgrade to 6.0.4 but can't with the error message ...
Hello, we are using a Fortigate 61E and want to give users coming from
the WAN interface access to an internal Emby server. We cannot use VPN
access for this appliance and do not want to use straight port
forwarding for security reasons. Is there ano...
It's been almost a year since I first posted this message. I have just
upgraded to firmware 6.2.3 and this problem is still not solved. After I
switch on NZBGET to download files, the ipsengine goes bezirk and puts
my 61E in conserve mode due to high...
Hi, Thanks for the quick respons. That's a bummer, we are only using de
VPN portal and not the forticlient package that doesn't work most of the
times on our remote machines. I guess it's not possible to setup a full
tunnel over the SSL VPN portal co...
Is it possible to put the services and security-policies from the UTM on
that connection with portforwarding? Is possible to create a separate
login page in the Fortigate as a first barrier before access is granted
to the appliance on the internal ne...
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